The Past Month

Hey friends-- I promised some blog content and I still swear to god that's going to happen. I'm writing this post during the COVID-19 pandemic with the impending fear that this thing is going to take me down, but I've got one SIMPLE solution-- Don't let it! So I'm keeping busy mostly washing my hands and dabbling around in my studio recording some music and designing some shirts.

Printed some canvas totes + ringer tees (not pictured)

I'll tell ya what-- I am effin' stoked on how these came out-- I'll be dropping a few new designs in my store in a few weeks so keep your eyes peeled for an announcement somewhat soon. I spent the first week or so of March in Chicago and met a ton of cool people, picked up some really great art, and couple of vintage books-- I'll cover the art + books in another post but you have to go make your own friends.

In addition to that, I wrote a demo track for a new EP I'm recording-- I'm going to aim to release it by the end of the year. The track is called December and I have full intentions to start writing happy tunes because life is fuckin' beautiful and DON'T you forget it.


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